What's in a name?

Scitus: Clever, Smart

We are always looking to do things in a more efficiƫnt way. How can we improve? How can we do things with less effort? How can we work smart?

Motus: Motion, Move

Every process is a movement. Parts can be moved from A to B. Something can be assembled by screwing it together, which is again a movement.

Move smart. Smart move. Scimotus

How can we move smart? In the effort to help our customers to answer this question, Scimotus was founded….

Who are we?

Founder and manager Christophe Roosen graduated in 1995 as an Industrial Engineer Electromechanics, specialized in CAD / CAM systems.
Shortly thereafter he had the chance to do an internship at FORD as a supervisor in the maintenance department. In this role he experienced the entire maintenance scheduling concept in a very demanding environment.
After his internship he gathered experience in different operational leadership roles in a logistics company within the fast moving and demanding Automotive world.
The continuous search for process improvements, optimization and standardization brought him to implement the LEAN principle within the company together with a third party.
Later on, he took the step to the engineering department where he designed processes or solutions for new projects with the help of MTM. In this period he visited large companies all over the world during which the latest techniques were demonstrated.
Now, he would like to share these years of experience and insights with you.